
Most Popular Rentals in Wanaka

We are often asked what the most popular rental homes are. Is there a demand for furnished or unfurnished properties? Are 4 bedrooms more popular than 3?

Wanaka has a diverse range of tenants and there is a good demand for all sizes of homes and both furnished and unfurnished. We have tenants who are families recently relocated and looking for a furnished home before they decide to settle here permanently. We have long term locals needing something bigger (or smaller) or close to their work. Some tenants are in need of a temporary home for 6 to 12 months while they build. 

Some features tenants appreciate are good heating - log burners are most popular; good insulation; and storage (garages are popular).

We are always available if you would like to discuss your rental home and its potential. Rental appraisals are free and we help you through your decision making.